S2P13.ZIP 45,711 03-11-94 PCS2PCB is a file dir maker for users ofplanet Connect Satellite delivery system,Iwrote this becouse of my need to post theincomming files for my callers to Download.Check it out!!!!
SAT115.ZIP 120,069 06-06-94 SAT 1.15, a PCBoard Professional Sysop Seriesprogram, handles the influx of files from thePlanet Connect service for PCBoard Sysops.Features include: File moving, copying,deleting and tracking, network copies, Usenet
BAG culling, important file alert messages,TIC file processing to PCBoard directories,with optional DIZ inclusion (many otheroptions), definable logging levels. *FREEREGISTRATION*
SAVER10.ZIP 3,789 02-26-94 ScreenSaver.PPE v1.0 A runoff of ScottRobisons Kal.PPE with a twist! This PPE willallow your users to take a break from yourboard without having to worry about thekeyboard time out. It will display random
characters for a period of time, and willrandomly check if the user is still awake.Their time will be used up though.
SCALL121.ZIP 22,995 05-29-94 SAMCALL.PPE v1.21 SamCall v1.21 CallsignServer, is an addition to PCBoard v15.+ thatwill allow callers direct on-line access tothe SAM Amateur Radio Callsign Data base.Support for ANSI and Non- ANSI terminals.
Callers have the option to save the callbookinfo to a private message allowing them todownload and capture the information on thecalls they have just entered. Requires theSAM Amateur Radio Call- sign Database and
supports all of the extended options of SAMif available. SamCall replaces Hamcall v1.10<Shareware> by Bill Shryock, WD0GRC.
SCAN050.ZIP 2,502 08-16-94 SCAN.PPE - Spice Up Directory Scans! SCAN.PPEis a PCBoard 15.1 Replacement for PCBTEXTentry #238. This adds a file header thatgives filename, date size, and descriptionheadings. Adds a bit of class to any PCBoard
setup. Short & Sweet PPS Included - HOMOPHOBE
SCCONF12.ZIP 9,974 01-26-95 Band new PPE to replace the J command fromthe PCBoard main menu. Lets you put all ofyour confrences in groups that number 1,2,3,4no matter what thier real numbers are!StarCOMM FREEWARE! From the StarLanes BBS
SCHAT10.ZIP 71,082 12-18-94 SantaCHAT Door v.1.0 - for PCB or for LOCALuse at home to CHAT with Santa "live" viaInternet. Freeware from Polymath One, * * *Try it (609) EWA-LYKE it! * * * * it canrecognize User that is not Login User (as,
the one sitting on your lap!) * * Use it atHOME in LOCAL mode! * * MERRY CHRISTMAS! * *
SCL-CPS.ZIP 11,360 02-23-94 TOP CPS vO.1 FOR PCBOARD v15.1+
SCL-LAST.ZIP 11,744 02-23-94 LAST UL/DL FOR PCBOARD v15.1+
SCL-NU01.ZIP 5,680 02-26-94 SECURITY-NUP for PCBOARD 15.1+ by DRIZZT/SCL
SCL-QNEW.ZIP 10,806 02-23-94 QUICKNEW FOR PCBOARD v15.1+
SCL-SC1.ZIP 4,021 02-26-94 SYSCHOICE 1 for PCBOARD 15.1+ by DRIZZT/SCL
SCL-WEEK.ZIP 13,073 02-23-94 WEEKTOP vO.1 FOR PCBOARD v15.1+
SCLIST13.ZIP 19,783 01-26-95 StarCOMM BBS List Utility v1.03 Full BBS ListPPE for PCBoard v15.2 FULL LIGHT BAR SUPPORT!Three List Choices Full List By Area CodeQuick List Extended Information Name,Software, Version Multi-Node Node Number of
Listing Extended Network Info Number ofFiles, Doors Confrences and CD-ROMs And MORE!Modified Slow Nag, Now Much Faster!
SCQWK10.ZIP 12,206 01-17-95 StarCOMM QWK Command Replacement v1.0 * FullLightBar * Makes PCB QWK Quick and EASY! *Select, Download, Upload * Download or Uploadand Logoff
SCRIPT10.ZIP 13,662 01-08-95 ....______.... ofware ed ragon SCRIPT.PPEv1.0 RELEASE 01/08/95 ........ This is areplacement for prompt 'Questionnaire # toAnswer' that is color configurable, languageaware, and incorprates a `HOT KEY' interface.
This stylish PPE is a MUST HAVE for anyonethat wants an INCREDIBLE look to their BBS.And registration is only $2 US Dollars....______....
SCROL11E.ZIP 5,233 07-11-94 SCROLL.PPE V 1.1 Shareware scroller for PCB15.1 Use it to give your menues a scrollingtext. Looks real great. New: Select scrollingspeed and color
SCUM-FPS.ZIP 48,394 03-07-94 File Point / Commission System for PCBoardv15.1 Systems Finally a complete file controlsystem simular to forum hacks methods onlynow for PCBoard!
SCUM-LN3.ZIP 7,075 08-30-94 ScumLiners v3.0! Full Featured Oneliner ForPCB BuxFixe From 2.0! Adds Bitchin' ColorSupport, Who, Who Logged To Callers Log,Auto-Advertisements, Minimum Security, andBlacklister!
SCUMEM15.ZIP 6,738 04-21-94 Message Reader/Poster v1.5 - HeRo Fullyconfigurable Email PPE for PCBoard 15.i andup. Gives the user a full menu/hotkeyinterface that is MUCH easier to use thanPCB's standard configuration!
SCUMLC20.ZIP 7,639 07-30-94 Light Comment v2.O by Cloudsend The bestLightbar SysOp Comment PPE out there forPCBoard 15.1. Every aspect is now totallycon- figurable. Features easy setup, andincludes sample configs.
SCUMLOCK.ZIP 5,736 03-22-94 [ Lock Out PPE v1.0 (YOMAMACaffine) ] [ Thisis a little PPE that PCB 15.1] [ sysops mightfind handy.. It shows] [ an ansi, leaves amessage to the ] [ sysop, and hangs up on auser that] [ has been locked out (Sec.
0)..... ]
SCUMNU10.ZIP 20,039 05-08-94 Newuser Voting PPE v1.o The greatest NUVsystem yet made for PCBoard. Supportsmultiple (up to ten) infoforms, lightbars,Newuser Messages, '*' style info- forms.Blows away the competition!
SCUMPC10.ZIP 4,019 08-13-94 Previous Callers Display v1.o A good last fewcallers PPE that will display a sysopconfigable number of people with your ownborders! JawBreaker - SCuM '94
SCUMPR10.ZIP 5,870 08-13-94 PROTO-MATIC v1.o - PPE A State-of-the-artLightbar Protocol Selection PPE
SCUMQT10.ZIP 6,625 08-30-94 Message Quoter PPE v1.0 Msg Quoter PPEreplaces your internal PCB editor's quotingsystem with a configurable setup so yourmessages don't look like crap
SCUMRQ10.ZIP 4,417 03-07-94 File Request PPE v1.0 (YOMAMACaffine) A FileRequest PPE made for PCB 15.1
SCUMST15.ZIP 7,444 06-05-94 SCuM STaTS v1.5 By MiNDFRYeR '94 Finally,here is a great way to easily displaymultiple status screens to the user! FullySysop configurable! v1.5 By MiNDFRYeR
SCUMTU13.ZIP 51,661 06-18-94 SCuMToP v1.3 by OSiRiS SCuMToP is a TopWeekly/Alltime Download/Upload BulletinGener- ater for PCBoard v15.x. Fully SysopConfigurable.
SECFAIL.ZIP 63,217 07-20-94 @X4F SECURITY FAIL PPE v1.0 @X0F This PPE isfor "High Security" BBSs where an extrameasure of Security is needed to protect"sensitive" files from being down- loaded bycallers without the proper Security Level.
Highly SYSOP configurable! Can downgrade orlockout an offending caller. $5.00Registration Fee. Author Allen Taylor, CVRCBBS 317 791-9617. Newest File: 07-20-94
SECNUP01.ZIP 6,415 02-26-94 SECURITY-NUP for PCBOARD 15.1+ by DRIZZT/SCL
SECPPE.ZIP 3,000 02-03-94 This is an example of how to create a "FrontEnd" for your PPE's. This will check for aspecific (Sysop-defined) security levelbefore running any PPE specified. With minormodifications, it could be used to restrict
to a specified security level or lower.Compiled for 15.1; includes source.
SEC_PAK.ZIP 3,563 04-24-94 BBS Security PAK Announcing the Sysop's BBSSecurity PAK - Composed of 3 PPEs (CALLBLOC,VULGARID and CALLERID) and a USERS fileReport Generator (REPORT.EXE). Combinedtogether to offer a complete BBS Security
System. This is the info file explaining thebasic system and the components and where toget them. By Al Segura Source Available.
SEC_V200.ZIP 4,479 01-20-95 SEC-JOIN.PPE v2.0; PCBoard 15.2 [PPE] programto use when joining a conf. Chex securitylevel and a password.100% sysop configurable.Stop users from being where they shouldn'tbe. Just replaces PCBoards lame excuse for
conf. Security. Lame little PPE's by DANTE
SENDM100.ZIP 27,264 06-24-94 SendMes v1.00 [PPE] For use with PCBoard 15.1Send a quote to the next caller the fancyway! Attractive display, binary database ofquotes, SysOp Maintaince fuctions, returnreceipts, bad word checking, etc.
SF11FDS.ZIP 3,734 01-06-94 - SYSFILES.PPE v1.1 Sysfiles is a simpleutility for remote sysops to upload anddownload files directly to the systemdirectories by entering a path with thefilenames. This version also includes a
feature for local sysops to run and test PPEprograms. FREEWARE Coded by Ram Drive FifthDimesnion Software
SHAKER11.ZIP 98,972 09-28-94 Jim Coleman's SHAKER!!! The MOST POPULAR NASAMLP game!! SHAKER.PPE (PPLC 3.0) Fun,exciting game of chance simulating victimrescue in an earthquake environment- SYSOPCONFIGURABLE, much more!! V1.1
SHELL_23.ZIP 19,094 01-14-95 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.2, a PPE for PCBoard15.2. A game of chance that recreates theShell Game. Find the hidden pea under one ofthe shells, try to avoid being arrested, andtry not to let the ShellMaster cheat you!
Features a monthly and Hall of Fame scoringrecord. From Galahad Software.
SINTAX.ZIP 3,673 08-30-94 Doorway Blocker v1.02 [PPE] This Is A PCB15.1 [PPE] That Will Stop All Users FromJumpin To DOS Using The (9) Command A CoupleOf Bugs Removed...
SK-NULS.ZIP 5,157 06-18-94 This Is A New User Logon PPE for PCB 15.1+This is A Enhanced Logon For Registering YouNew BBS User's. Include's Such Feature's asBuilt In New User Alert Alarm, New User PCBLogging, Forced Message To Sysop. NOT
SKCHAT13.ZIP 12,633 11-01-94 Sy Kopath Chat v1.3 - PCBoard PPE. A fun fakechat program. Quick and easy install inCMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. No configurationfile, no maintenance! Shareware $10. Free BBSsupport. Updated for PCboard v15.2. Compiled
11/01/94. Check it out today!
SL-FB15.ZIP 4,557 08-01-94 FEEDBACK.PPE 1.5 -=-Shadowlight-=- A lightbarMultiple Comment to SysOp replacement for PCB15.1+ that magnifies the look and feel ofyour "C" command! Easy to install and setup!The most configurable litebar comment to
SLA-SEYA.ZIP 5,198 05-02-94 SEE YA! .PPE For PcBOARD 15.1 Version 1.1Removed The Delay SEE YA!.PPE Will DisplayMultiple Random Logoff Screens Supporting UpTo 999 Of Them
SMUTJMP1.ZIP 3,711 02-23-94 JUMP.PPE for PCBoard 15.1 v1.0
SNDMSG02.ZIP 5,230 06-25-94 - Send A Message v.o2 by Balrog This PPE isused to send messages to other or all nodes.All strings are configurable. Added a blacklist feature to this version. -
SOI-ENT.ZIP 2,404 12-10-94 Automated Enter Enhancer for PCB 15.1
SOMANY24.ZIP 27,451 02-05-95 [PPE] SO MANY CDs! Version 2.4 More CD-ROMsthan drives? Let users request files fromoffline CD's! Sysop notified at login ofrequests; if local, sysop loads requestedCD's and file is posted as attachment to
message to user with automatic pack-out aftersysop-defined period. CD-ROM conferences nolonger need to be contiguous! SHAREWARE($19.95)
SOURCE.ZIP 5,079 11-09-94 Source Files For STARDIR3.PPE & STARCON1.PPENow you can change any thing you like inThose PPEs .... Free . Programmed by MohammedAlsbeiay SysOp of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia- Riyadh BBS Number 966-01-4225067,,,,,23
Voice Number 966-01-4225067 .
SPELL111.ZIP 909,676 11-10-94 PCB Spell v1.11 (A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE!) Wow!Here is the culmination of work startedseveral months ago. This is an online SpellChecker for your messages. Easy to installsimple to use. Users love it. Supports
Multinodes, Multilanguages, etc. A nominalregistration fee will go towards supportingmy education at the University of Utah. Tryit! You'll never mis-spell another worrdaggain. <smile>
SPLASH.ZIP 5,028 12-26-94 Logon Splash screen replacement with fullsource code
SPLITDIR.ZIP 23,621 06-18-94 SPLIT-DIR v1.0 Utility for PFED Splits largePCB dirs into smaller ones
offline dir etc.... Too many features tomention. Free Eval. Key Included! Excitingnew Product by company called DynagrafixDevelopments. [ 11 ]
SRCH200A.ZIP 13,569 04-06-94 -=* S E A R C H - 2.0 *=- [PPE] Compiled forPCBoard 15.1. Use this great PPE as a shelltype program for your users to locate thatcertain file of interest! Can be used as an
additional command as on Salt Air, or used toreplace the L command on your BRDM screens.
ST234B.ZIP 61,952 05-22-94 USRSTATS V2.34 BETA 5/22/94 [PPE] * Not justfor Sysops any more * PCBoard/USR sysops cannow allow callers to view modem diagnosticswhile on-line! Requires PCB 15.1 andsmall-footprint USR Courier modem. Multi-node
compatible, super-easy setup. A truly uniquetroubleshooting tool. Now supports operationfrom DOS command prompt so everyone cangenerate these reports.
STARCON1.ZIP 4,344 08-22-94 STARCON Version 1 PPE Compiled on 08/12/1994By PPLC version 2 For Pcboard 15.1+ This PPEWill Make an Auto Conferences Menu ......SysOp You Don't Need any More to Draw orRedraw Your Conference Menu When You Change
Your Conferences .... Auto Menu Color ...FreeWare Try it and Enjoy Your Time .....STAR Bulletin Board System .. Riyadh .. K.S.ABBS Number 4225067 Voice Number 4225067-23
STARDIR3.ZIP 4,518 08-20-94 STARDIR Version 3 PPE Compiled on 08/12/1994By PPLC version 2 For Pcboard 15.1+ This PPEWill Make an Auto DIR Files to All Your BBSConferences ..... SysOp You Don't Need any
More to Draw or Redraw Your DIR File When YouChange Your Directories .... FreeWare Try itand Enjoy Your Time .............. STARBulletin Board System .. Riyadh .. K.S.A BBSNumber 4225067 Voice Number 4225067-23
STAT-VAR.ZIP 33,999 03-14-94 STAT-VAR v1.O Rotates 21 Excellent StatScreens And Displays It For PCB 15.1. DoesNot Use PCB's Internal Lame RandomizationIncludes STAT-VAR.EXE, STAT-VAR.PPE
STATSC1E.ZIP 37,387 01-11-95 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last Importand Monthly Total bulletins using Cam-Maillogs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCIIand PCB color/mono support.
STATS_.ZIP 8,275 09-06-94 @X0A @X0FSTATS.PPE Ver 1.0 Compiled PPLC 3.0@X0A @X0FSTATS Will show your users theirPersonal,File,System and messageStatistics.Thru a menued system Screens maybe edited with PCBedit to add or remove any
statistic you wish. Compiled 9-06-94Micro-Comp Software @X0C FREEWARE @X0A
STATUS3M.ZIP 52,361 01-11-95 Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Importand Monthly Total bulletins with Postlinklogs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,PCB color/mono support. CleanUp log utility.
STAT_ED1.ZIP 5,586 05-20-94 sTatEdit v1.0 fIleAxYs Software[STEDIT10.PPE]: W Command Replacement writtenin PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs Much improvedWrite User Stats Command Allows for fulladdress entrys without installed PSA. Writes
all changes to log file. Enhances lookgreatly.
STORE.ZIP 6,465 03-12-94 STORE.PPE 3/12/94 [PPE] PCB 15.1+ A PPEprogram to list stores. Allows list to bedownloaded. Highly configurable. Source codeincluded! Freeware. (From John Taber, SYSOPof the Checkered Demon BBS - (408) 264-9018.)
STORMBYE.ZIP 4,255 05-25-94 StormBYE v1.0 By The Ringthane "G" COMMANDREPLACEMENT PPE Jazz Up Your Logoff Options!With StormBYE The User Has Options ToLogoff,ReEnter The BBS, Leave Comment ToSysop or Sysop Defined Co-Sysop. + 2 Sysop
Defined GAG Options! Stormbringer(404)801-9113 & 9569
STORMC12.ZIP 6,067 05-24-94 StormCHAT v1.2 By The Ringthane SysopPAGE/CHAT PPE for PCBoard 15.1 -PagesWith.VOC File Thru SoundBlastr -Chat TimeAvailable Cognizant -Mails Chat Request &Reason To Sysop -Offers User Option To Send
Comment -Many NEW Features!A Sysop Must Have!-Totally Configurable By Sysop! Stormbringer(404)801-9113 & 9569
STORMLIN.ZIP 6,723 06-25-94 StormLINERS v1.1 By The Ringthane One-LinerPPE For PCBoard 15.1 Sharp Looking One-LinersDisplay With Nice Looking Editor for UsersSysop Configurable Header & Footer DisplaySysop Configurable WHO Option Stormbringer
(404)801-9113 & 9569
STP301B.ZIP 64,176 10-26-94 STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.01 BETA 10/26/94PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers toview modem diagnostics while on-line!Requires PCB 15.1 or 15.2 and small footprintUSR Courier modem. Multi-node compatible,
super-easy setup. A truly uniquetroubleshooting tool. 8 new features, alsoincludes Beta release of USRSTAT2.EXE V3.04B.
SUBSCR10.ZIP 5,893 01-13-94 SUBSCRIB v1.0 - a ppe that will allow usersto subscribe to your BBS via credit card.Uses a information to explain the options inthe PPE and a text file that outlines thesubscriber options Another PPE by DMSOFT.
Expires 3-1-94. Registration is available.
SUGGEST1.ZIP 25,695 09-24-94 The Suggestion Box! This isn't your run ofthe mill program here! Full user voting, inaddition users can add their own Suggestionsfor the rest of your users to vote on. Sysopmaintenance is nil, and it takes about 20
seconds to install. Download this today andgive your users a voice in your BBS! GO/4Software
SUPRSEC.ZIP 7,551 03-30-94 [Super Security PPE]* More Psycho-warerelating to security. I don't know, it's whatseems to catch my attention. This is aChallenge/Response security system. If youdon't know what that is, you probably
wouldn't have a use for this. If you do, youknow it would cost mega-bucks to actuallyimplement it. It was written in response toan idle conversation I had with a federalsecurity-type. {Source}
SV-100.ZIP 7,072 04-19-94 A PPLC v2.0 PPE SURVEY.PPE v1.0 This PPE letsthe sysop ask a couple of survey questions atLOGOFF and record the users answers in theNOTES PSA. For example you could aske your
users "Where did hear of this BBS?" and "Whatis your primary purpose in calling?" Puttingtheir responses in the NOTES PSA allows thethe sysop to review there responses when theylook at their user record. Source codeincluded.
setup program. Online * * help. Multi-LingualOperation Support. * * Configurable colorsand text displays. * * Bulletin generatingutility. Informative * * bar graph displayand percentages with * * booth results.
Longer voting options. * * Optional @X-Colorcode removal. Optional * * mis-used@-variable replacement. and more *
SWAP100.ZIP 23,615 06-24-94 SWAP 1.00. Switches PCBoard 15.x conferencesincluding TPA information. UpdatesCNAMES.@@@, CNAMES.ADD, USERS, and USERS.INF.Supports up to 3000 conferences. Initialrelease into public, but it has been used on
my board successfully.
SWHO12.ZIP 7,383 10-24-94 SuperWho [PPE] - v1.2 - A fun replacement foryour PCBoard WHO command that will show fakeusers on your system. Limited only by yourimagination. Free BBS support for registeredusers! No delays or beg screens. Fully
functional. Released on 10/24/94. Check itout today! Updated for PCB 15.2.
SX503P1.ZIP 652,530 06-05-94 SILVER XPRESS MAIL SYSTEM VERSION 5.03 #1 ANDPCBOARD'S BEST AND MOST POWERFUL OFF-LINEMAIL DOOR IN THE MARKET. Silver Xpress QWKand OPX Mail Door from Santronics Software.100% PCBOARD 15.x Support! With Fossil/Digi
Support, RIP Support, Internet and FidoSupport, Smart Keyword Searching, FlexibleMail Packing Options, File Requesting, FaxServices, Forms Services, Much More. USERSLOVE THIS DOOR! Sysops registering Door, get
the powerful Silver Xpress Reader for $3.00.
SYSOPCMH.ZIP 16,732 12-06-94 CMDFILES and HELP files which contain helpfiles for sysops on sysop commands 1 through15. Two sets of files are included to makeeither HELP files or CMDFILES based on theinformation in the PCBOARD manual. README.1ST
for installation instructions.
T-BANK10.ZIP 6,409 02-04-94 PCBoard V15+ TIMEBANK PPE Total SysOpConfigurability: Which UserNote PSA Line toUse Default Maximum Balance Default MaximumWithDraw Per Day Maximum Balance by SecurityLevel Maximum WithDraw Per Day by Security
Lvl Features Include: Caller Logging of allactivity Users ability to view bank historyin a PASSBOOK type format SysOps ability toview any users history
T-RISK20.ZIP 165,595 01-02-95 *> Time Risk V2.0 PCBoard [PPE] <* A PPE forPCBoard 15.2+ which your users gamble awaytheir online time by playing one of severalgames. Lifetime support & lifetime freeupgrades. Only $5.00 gets four more games,
with another four being released in March fora total of twelve! Hurry, registrationincreases to $10.00 after March of 1995. Thiscopy: FreeWare Your users will think youregistered it!
TAB151.ZIP 19,101 04-29-94 TAB - The Address Book v1.51 [PPE] - Allowyour users the ability to store and andretrieve addresses whenever entering amessage! Save them the time of having toenter in the name repeatedly. Has ability to
'Quick-Enter' a message by typing '/#'. ForPCB 15.1 systems - A Must have! Made byWhitewater Technologies, Inc.===========================================In v1.51 you may now configure your OWNextension! Very useful if you would like to
give your users multiple address books forvarious conferences!
TABPPE60.ZIP 70,436 10-06-94 TABPPE60.ZIP v6.0 PPE written to interfaceyour PCBoard 15.2 BBS with the True Media's900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPEprovides access level upgrades, supportsPCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
and/or DBase III+ format logging and detailedinformation about the service. Smoothseemless interface. Adds to caller notes,creates bulletins, and more. Really allowsthis service to work for you !!
TAGGED10.ZIP 17,604 11-06-94 == TAGGED10.PPE == Version 1.0 Initialrelease of the first program that allows yourusers to keep a database of the files theywant to download, ONLINE! Your users willlove you for this new addition. Uploaded by:
Thom Allen
TAPECM26.ZIP 34,948 12-03-94 @X0E - [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.2 or higher.OnLine file restoration from Colorado MemorySystems(tm) Tape Drive 120 or 250. Restorefrom tape or select from files that exist inthe restore directory, 6 per session. Add to
your CMD.LST. Displays tape # in the drive.@X0F Fixes Minor Problems @X0A- Version 2.6@X0E Written by: Harry Braun @X0C HBElectronics (1994)
TAPEFLAG.ZIP 39,766 03-05-94 TAPEFLAG.PPE, v1.0, a drop-in replacement forFLAG.PPE. This is a modified version of DavidTerry's FLAG.PPE that also allows tagging afile and restoring it from Tape! This version
only supports Colorado Jumbo 250 Tape Drive.Works under DesqView! Needs FLAG.PPE v3.0already installed!
TA_USER.ZIP 9,707 01-22-95 USER Listing by T.A. HQ V.2.00 [416] UserLister Version 2.00, This small and powerfullutility gives you a very nice display of yourusers names, location, area code, securitylevel and last date they called your
board................. Would you like tobecome a member of the T.A. (The Arcade)group? Call us now at: 416/658-8527 [144] or416/658-3951 [288]
TBG-DWHO.ZIP 4,323 05-02-94 Devil's Who Version 2.0 for PCB
TBH-FNC.ZIP 3,713 05-14-94 Flame Next Caller v1.0 PPE
TBH-FTS.ZIP 3,761 06-05-94 FiNiSH THe SToRY [PPE]
TBH-KC.ZIP 3,968 06-05-94 KeWL CHaTTeR [PPE]
TBH-TLOG.ZIP 13,379 06-25-94 TURBO LOGON PPE File for PCB 15.1
TCLC_120.ZIP 59,799 01-02-95 TOTAL CONTROL LASTCALLERS (TCLC) V1.20 TCLCis the most advanced lastcaller for PCBoardavailable. Totally configurable for color anddisplay. Optionally lists last DAYS andMONTHS! Local call faking, level names, call
hiding & log truncate. Take your pick fromany of these fields: Name, Alias, Day o/tweek, Carrier, Node Level, D/L & U/L Bytes &Files, Activity Flags, Minutes Online,Caller#, Location Time and Date of Logon and
Logoff, Month Graphics Mode. And lots, LOTSMore..... Shareware 15$. NON-CRIPPLED
TERR-BUL.ZIP 3,004 05-14-94 Custom Uploader v1.0 PPE
THEWHO12.ZIP 9,034 01-04-95 THEWHO v1.02b PPE of (01/01/95) Thewho v1.02bis the most configurable 'WHO' replacementout, and you'll love it!
THT194V1.ZIP 3,101 01-25-95 THT MSG194 PPE Two PCBTEXT Prompt's [194,630]for the Private Message and Return Receipt.Another Free PPE from->>> <<THT>>
THT39622.ZIP 10,378 12-26-94 THT CMD396 v2.02 Replacement for the MAINCommand prompt for PCB 15.1+ just installthis PPE in the PCBTEXT Record # 396 and adyour Command Prompt to the MAINMENU.CNF fileupto 4 lines For a Prompt That Will Not
Scroll When The Enter Key is Pressed. And nowTwo Line Rumour's Builtin !!!!!! Another FreePPE from <<THT>>
THT550V2.ZIP 3,286 06-18-94 This Small PPE will replace the PCBTEXT #'s550 and 474, THTP150.zip is also needed forthis PPE to funtion. What it does is uses theTHTP150 Protocol.ppe instead of the stockPCBoard Protocol list when changing from one
protocol to another for uploads or Downloads
THTAR140.ZIP 5,707 07-21-94 THT-AREA v1.40 This is the Ultimate LIGHTBARFile Area List PPE, Check it out you willlike this ONE Another FREE PPE from TheMaster @ <<THT>>
THTCMT10.ZIP 4,092 07-21-94 Comment to Sysop's v1.00 from The Master ThisPPE replaces the C command just put it inyour CMD.LST, Edit the .dat and .cnf filesand you are ready!. Has options for DefaultSysop to send Mail to, All colors and so on.
THTDUP11.ZIP 6,538 02-01-95 THTDUP v1.10 PPE Daily Upload BulletinGenerator For PCB 15.1+, Creates a Displayfile with all of Today's Upload's from anyAnd All Conference's. <<THT>>
THTEV100.ZIP 2,418 02-01-95 Two Small PPE'S for PCBTEXT 157 & 116 EventTimer and Letting the user know How much timeis left before the Event <<THT>>
THTJN13.ZIP 5,115 07-21-94 THT-Join PPE Replaces the J command gives youmore control over which Conference a User canSee, The user will only be able to see theConference that they are Registered in and
Re-Number's the display so that it only lookslike thats how many you Have. From The Master@ <<THT>> another fine free PPE for PCB 15.1+only
THTLC115.ZIP 8,743 02-01-95 The Last Caller's v1.15 PPE THT Last Caller'sAMI Style Last Caller's Display, Many optionsall Colors and the number of Last Calls AlsoSecurity Level to be able to see The LastCaller's <<THT>>
THTLG211.ZIP 8,990 01-16-94 LOGON v2.10 PPE Specializing in PCB-Util's ALogin PPE for PCB 15.0 & 15.1 replaces thePrompt's that ask for the USER's Name & PWFreeWare From The Master @ <<THT>> Now Logsand sends Messages when the User Forget's
there PassWord's or Someone else tries tohack into the System. Also can Leave aComment to the Sysop or Co-Sysop on aPassword Failure.
THTML100.ZIP 2,866 02-01-95 THT-Mail v1.00 PPE Mail Waiting PPE, VeryConfigurable All colors, Length of the Colorsect... <<THT>>
THTMNU12.ZIP 10,483 05-08-94 This PPE will create a list of all PPE's andDoor's you have on your System and then youWill be able to run all of these from OneCommand and Menu, I use this as the OPENCommand for my System. The Master @ <<THT>>
THTMSG11.ZIP 9,720 02-01-95 This is the Ultimate PCB 15.1 Message HeaderReplacement, For all of you that Don't Carefor the Look of the PCBoard Message Headerthis is the PPE for you, completely configwith all Colors and Positions of all Prompts
From The Master @ <<THT>> another Great PPE
THTMT411.ZIP 24,248 07-21-94 This is the Ultimate LIGHTBAR Matrix andNEWUSER Verification & anti Lamer PPE on TheMarket, These PPE's have been Tested. AllPPE's are LightBar Controlled Matrix is v4.11Update .PPE only
THTNK1B4.ZIP 22,075 07-30-94 THT-Nuke Will nuke Files update user's BYTESAlso can give Credit for File's sent, Canalso send Messages to the User's informingthem of why this was done. Supports ULBY.DATand THT-TOP.PPE will adjust the BYTES !!!! v
1.004 for you all to test and Report problemsif any to Me Please!!! Added UPLBY.DATsupport with this one (SC)!!
THTNS202.ZIP 12,552 12-26-94 THT NewScan v2.02 NewScan PPE for PCB 15.1+Replace the N in PCBoard with this Very SmallPPE. In This Version I added Multipleconfig's for the other Conferences so thatyou can set NewScan Up to the Specific
Conference that it's being, Now with ONE LINEDescriptions <<THT>>
THTNWS15.ZIP 4,401 05-14-94 On-Line PCBoard 15.1 New's file editor canUpdate the existing News files or OverWriteThen, New Version that Reads the CNAMES.@@@
THTOFF20.ZIP 3,941 02-01-95 THT Auto-Off v2.00 PPE PPE to replace PCBTEXT493 Graphics display, Color ConfigurableAmount of Time Also, PCB 15.1+ <<THT>>
THTONE20.ZIP 68,439 07-21-94 THT ONELINER v2.00 PPE OneLiner's from<<THT>> Configurable any Colors you may want.PPE For PCB 15.1 v 2.00
THTP150.ZIP 6,271 06-18-94 PROTOCOL.PPE v1.50 - Compiled on 05-28-94PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program to replace your(T)ransfer Protocol main menu command. Itdoes everything the regular command can doand just a little more. Added LightBar
Selection and also Support for the THT550.PPE
THTQT1B6.ZIP 8,762 02-01-95 THTQUOTE v1.0 Beta 6 Quoter for Replying toMessages For PCB 15.1+, Use's AutoSig if youhave it Installed, Completely Configurable
THTSP110.ZIP 4,529 02-01-95 THT-SpeeD v1.10 PPE Displays a Bar Graph ofall Connects to Your Board, Starts at theLowest Baud Allowed in your PCBOARD.DAT file.FreeWare from <<THT>>
THTTP2B3.ZIP 25,493 08-06-94 THT-Top v2.003 - Top Upload / Download PPEwill send a Message to all user's at the endof the Week with the top 10 Uploader's /Downloader, Also has a Monthly display of theTop 10 Uploader's / Downloader's Added
All-Time Uploader's / Downloader's And thisis a Major Upgrade from v2.00
THTU360.ZIP 3,360 06-05-94 This PPE replaces 4 PCBTEXT Prompts for theUpload Status, Display a Screen with theAmount of space free , Protocol being usedStatus of file posting and Control X to abortPrompts , A nice addition to PCB.
THTUE100.ZIP 12,108 02-01-95 THTUEDIT v1.00 PPE Full Screen User Editorfor online use And though EOM if you canModify yours, Or Use the one with the PKG.Full Conf Support and other Fetures Based onCIAFSUE by DEFCON 4 <<THT>>
THTUP118.ZIP 12,448 05-08-94 Full Screen Upload PPE for PCB 15.0 & PCB15.1 Many new enhancment's in this versionmore ERROR Checking for Valid FileNames,Configurable as far as Where the Box willdisplay on the Screen and some Colors. Now
with Random Screens. Added Support ForRoBoCom user's now if this is found to betrue the ppe exits and uses the stock PCBPrompts. Now Support's Local Uploads!!!FREEWARE from <<THT>> 04-09-94 Sorry but NoSource has been included
THTZP100.ZIP 3,095 01-25-95 THT Zippy PPE v1.0 Replace the "Z" Command inPCBoard, Use In the CMD.LST file. AnotherFree PPE From>>> <<THT>>
TH_M2C.ZIP 10,030 11-29-94 Pre-processor that scans your incoming Intern
TH_SIG.ZIP 6,447 11-24-94 TH-SIG is a small PPE to add a .sig to eachoutgoing piece of email and each newspostthat leaves your system
TIC2DIR.ZIP 28,235 12-10-94 TIC2DIR is a utility for PCB SysOp's that arehooked into the FIDO FileBone system. Thisprogram will create a PCBoard DIR list of thefiles you receive from the FileBone using the
descriptions in the .TIC files that accompanyeach of the archive files. You can then pastethis listing into one of your PCB DIR listsinstead of going thru the aggrivation ofuploading and entering descriptions for oneswithout FILE_ID.DIZ.
TICKLE10.ZIP 55,806 01-03-95 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.00 - 01/03/95 - (PPL 3.0)"Tickle File" is a program that maintains apersonal database which can contain up to 24filenames with a 15 character description.
Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing theirdatabase, and flagging file(s) to downloadfrom the database. These are files theywanted during a previous session, but wereunable to D/L due to not enough time/bytes.
Other functions: Add, Edit, Delete, & List
TIMESON2.ZIP 4,272 06-12-94 Monitor how many times a caller can call,login each day. Need to have Notes.PSA, line#3 empty. Place this PPE, in the Login file.
TIMEV110.ZIP 4,085 03-19-94 @X0ETime.ppe @X0Fv1.10 @X0B @X0FA small@X0BPPE @X0Fthat reports the c @X0Ftime ofday on your BBS, the amount of @X0Ftime thatthe user has been online, @X0Fand the timeremaining online. Also @X0Fallows the user to
@X0Ewager @X0A10 mi @X0Ftime remaining togain 20 minutes @X0Fadditional time online.Free to you from DMSoft
TIMEZONE.ZIP 4,293 04-19-94 This is a simple PPE that will tell yourcallers what the time is just about anywherein the world, as long as they know the majorcity that's in the same zone. ;) It wassuggested as an absolute "must-have" feature,
so I whipped one out. It's calibrated forMountain Time Zone. Adjustments would have tobe made for any other time zone.
TLOCK-10.ZIP 10,480 04-13-94 TRUELOCK [PPE] v1.0 RELEASE! A PPE compiledwith PPLC v2.0 designed to TRUELY LOCK outUNWANTED callers. Logs to caller's log, logfile and/or sends a message. Three differentinstallation locations. Built in complete
debugging and diagnostics mode. Not the FIRSTcall blocker. MOST CONFIGURABLE and COMPLETE!ZyXEL, Supra and PPI modems supported. FullyFunctional Shareware (Reg: $15)
TLOG100.ZIP 45,433 03-30-94 PCBoard Caller's Log Trimmer ver 1.00 PCBoardonly! Looking for a way to keep a certainnumber of days in your caller's log? Easy toconfigure. Can be made to run in your nightly
event. Programmer: William Rountree ReleaseDate 7\06\93
TOPFILES.ZIP 13,130 08-30-94 PCB Topfiles v0.98b PCB Makes a greattop-files bulletin/text.List most popularfiles,and makes a nice presentabel file,ready to view by users. Fast and efficient.
TOPTEN3.ZIP 95,087 05-14-94 TopTen Utility! TopTen V3.0 - Creates ABulletin Showing The Top XX (Up To 50)Message POSTERs, Message Readers, Callers,(By Number Of Callers) Downloaders, (ByNumber Of DOWNLoads *AND* By The Number Of
Bytes) And Uploaders, (By Number Of UPLoads*AND* By The Number Of Bytes) For PCBoardSysOps (V15.0 Compatible.) *SharewareVersion!*
TOPUP10.ZIP 5,175 07-21-94 TOPUP is a Top Ten Uploaders PPE for use withPCB v15.1+. Configurable colors & very easyto install!
TPASM120.ZIP 74,104 11-11-94 TPASM - TPA System Manager v1.20 (11-11-94)Move/Copy/Swap Conferences for PCBoard 14.5 &15.x with complete TPA area handling. It canalso handle external files for Doors with the
addition of a definition file, Sort a rangeof conferences. Will also Edit TPA areas withthe addition of a definiton file. (Files forPCBoard 15.x PSA's are included) ............Added new conference *.LST file editing......
ShareWare by Gary Meeker. ($25 registration)
TRIAL1.ZIP 6,903 05-12-94 * Trial.PPE v1.0* Nice expired user PPE.Gives user choice of killing own account.Sysop definable menus/displays, File d/ls,and PPE execution. Will also TCAN user name &alias to help deter leeches.
TROUBLE.ZIP 5,806 03-08-94 TROUBLE.PPE (ver 1.0) PCBoard 15.1 PPE toreplace pcbtext prompt # 149 (Do you wantgraphics) at login. A simple PPE to displayan ascii text file informing the user oftrouble with the BBS such as line noise and
allow the user to "gracefully" logoff orcontinue, and then ask if they want graphics.Freeware. Includes source code.
TRUELOCK.ZIP 11,810 04-01-94 <<< TRUELOCK [PPE] v.98beta 03/31 >>>Wide-beta release. A PPE designed to TRULYLOCK out unwanted callers. Most configurableCaller-ID blocker avail- able. Requires PCBv15.1 & Caller-ID service. ZyXEL, Supra &
Practical Peripherals supported. If yours isnot supported, let me know! * Fullyfunctional shareware * PPE by Jody Gyomber.
TSCHAT20.ZIP 226,014 11-28-94 TSCNET CHAT Version 2.00. (NON-BETA) Theultimate chat replacement for PCBoard 15.x!29 User Commands, 17 Sysop Commands, Actions,Topics, WHO command, Receives PCBoardBroadcasts, Calls users in PCBoard, Channel
Ownership, One-on-one mode, FullyConfigurable, Network support, COMM-DRV andFossil Support, will work on ALL nodes.Designed by a large BBS for large or smallsystems. Plus even more! Written in C usingPCBoard's TOOLKIT. The first REAL third party
TSCV06.ZIP 144,750 04-21-94 The Spiro Collection v0.6 [PPE] New UserPassword and Voting Oneliners Everythingconfigured in a GUI
TSSQF20.ZIP 20,624 12-31-94 CW-QF v1.0: QuickFiles PPE Ami/X Style
TSTATS2.ZIP 4,965 03-12-94 TS STATS is a PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] lets youruser see their STATS in a very kewl way.Private/File/Message Stats! With Great Colors!
TTPCFG13.ZIP 55,182 01-12-94 Tic-2-PCB Configuration file manager v1.3 -This is an updated version that will allowediting of more than 300 file areas. This newversion will allow up to 1040 areas to beentered. This should take care of the large
selection of file areas offered by the newlyfound satelite systems. No documentationincluded. FREEWARE from Dataware. Compiled01/12/94
TVBBYE.ZIP 3,265 06-17-94 TVBBYE.PPE BYE command replacement forPCBoard 15.1. Gives your users a 10 secondtimer to abort a download. [FREEWARE]
TVBMAIL.ZIP 4,378 02-11-94 TVBMAIL [PPE] - For PCBoard systems usingFidoPCB v1.5g or later. When placed into theNetmail conference, will prompt for properFidonet and Internet addresses before postinga message to the conference.
TVD127.ZIP 234,751 07-07-94 The Verify Door v1.27 for PCBoard v14.x,v14.5a & v15.x. is a callback verificationdoor fully compatible with COM 1-8 and up to115,200 baud. Registered version preventsusers from having more than one account per
telephone number. Network compatible.Multilingual operations. Optionally updatesuser expiration date and other user data.Requires 286 or better. A quality door forPCBoard since 1990.
TVIEW34.ZIP 31,004 06-22-94 TextView PPE 3.4 by Joseph Sheppard. ForPCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying textinformation to your callers in a formatsimilar to the PCBoard Bulletin section.Great for Online Magazines. TextView menu
items can launch other Text Features orPPE's! Many improvements! This release allowsmore configuration options, and seamlessoperation (no program ID) for registeredusers!
TX2MB245.ZIP 75,264 02-05-94 PCB14/15: TXT2MSG 2.45u (*release*) TXT2MSGallows you to import textfiles and scriptanswers into PCB14/15 messagebases; Used onPCBoard systems around the world; Use for:event logs, new users, netmail logs, fax
UC2DIZ10.ZIP 48,421 03-25-94 UC2DIZ 1.0 - UCII / Diz Catcher For PCBWhoomp Here It Is! The first, the only, thequickest.. FILE_ID.DIZ extractor for the newUltraCompressor II archive utility! Betterthan SPAM! Brought to you by Stimpy.. Peace
To All In 1994
UEDIT.ZIP 40,513 06-25-94 User Editor v1.0=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At Last! AUSERS file editor for PCBoard v15.x thatallows you, the sysop, to edit EVERY FIELD inthe USERS file, on- line! (Okay NEARLY EVERY
FIELD, but all the important ones! LikeBYTES/FILES UL and DL)
UFO-LOTT.ZIP 4,885 06-25-94 Lotto PPE for PCB 1.15+
UFT-BEN1.ZIP 2,523 06-05-94 Bouncing Enter Prompt V1.0
UGRADE10.ZIP 5,903 07-24-94 Upgrade 1.0 for PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] A simpleto configure and use PPE that will allow youto upgrade paying callers much faster thanusing macro keys. It even flags conferenceareas that you set up and writes the user a
configurable message. Unlimited conferenceareas and conference numbers The source codeis available by simply asking me for it.Compiled on 07/24/94 - PPLC 2.0
ULP286.ZIP 188,848 04-07-94 UpLoadProcessor/286 1.07a - This archivecontains the 80286+ executables ONLY; alsodownload ULP107A.ZIP to get the entire 1.07apackage! You MUST be a registered user of ULPand have your registration code/key for these
executables to operate.
ULP3_110.ZIP 122,300 02-06-95 UpLoadProcessor/386 1.10 - This archivecontains the 80386+ executables ONLY and isnot a complete package. You MUST alsodownload ULP_110.ZIP to get the entire 1.10package! You must be a registered user of ULP
and have your registration key for theseexecutables to operate.
ULPPPE15.ZIP 14,704 10-26-94 ULP PPE Version 1.5 Beta -Inform your userswhy their upload failed while they are onlineand automatically send them a private messageletting them know their upload failed, incasethey are automated
ULPSMBIG.ZIP 72,800 02-05-94 ULPSM 1.06a - This is functionally equivalentto the distribution version of ULPSMcontained in ULP106.ZIP, but supports 297 (!)upload directory areas instead of 24 as inthe UpLoadProcessor release version.
ULP_110.ZIP 284,398 02-06-95 UpLoadProcessor 1.10 for PCBoard. Detects allfile formats by SIGNATURE. Converts archiveformats. Processes uncompressed files, nestedarchives and imbedded paths. Integrated CRCdual duplication detection system, ZDCS
supported. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ and adds infolines. Supports non-standard ports, high IRQsand FOSSIL drivers. Includes both event andonline programs. Fully menu-drivenconfiguration. Maintenance release...
ULP_MSG.ZIP 7,755 09-03-94 Sample PCBTEST.BAT file from Michael Chenthat uses the errorlevel returned by ULPTESTto send a canned message to the user whouploaded the file. Can be used for informingusers of the status and disposition of the
uploaded files. This also requires theTXT2MSG program by Robert Vostreys. [FTL:09-03-94].
ULTHED16.ZIP 49,979 02-28-94 UltraHeaders v1.6 for PCBoard - The UltimateFile Directory System. It processes your filedirectories and creates nice lookinggraphical outputs. Processes 15 Gigabytes inunder 5 seconds! Many choices to choose from.
For PCBoard v14.x/v15.0/v15.1b. This versionfixes a tiny multiple drive bug.
UNIDZ200.ZIP 9,735 08-21-94 UNIVERSAL DIZ EXTRACTOR V2.00 FOR PCBOARD(PPE) Written by (A. J. King) PERFECT forPCBoard SYSOPS who want to support an AMIGAconference, Handles ALL AMIGA FILE_ID.DIZformats, (DMS, EXE,TEXT) as well as '.LHA'
filename support! (PCB currently onlysupports '.LZH'). ALSO no more asking forfilename at the start of an upload! ALSOincludes the 'RZ' command! V1.03 Fixes amajor Bug. V2.00 Now Supports "Ulby.dat" &includes a Zipzap cfg file for a seamless
UPDATE30.ZIP 11,535 08-08-94 Update Info PPE v3.0 - A PCBoard v15.1 PPE tomake your callers fill in their Address PSA,Verify PSA, and Notes PSA info. Added moreconfigurablity from v2.x
UPDATE9.ZIP 55,590 02-16-94 UPDATE9.EXE - Program To Convert Voter PlusVersion 1.38 *.VTR (1226 Bytes) Files To TheFormat Used By The Current Version of TheVoter Plus Door. READ "UPDATE9.DOC" FIRST !
UP_DATE.ZIP 5,542 02-01-95 This PPL Code will check the Users file forthe callers Address Info, If there is none itwill display a menu where they place thereaddress Info.
UR-NUKE4.ZIP 6,767 05-02-94 UNREAL NUKER v0.04 PPE
URT_UL11.ZIP 3,674 08-30-94 USER LISTER V1.o1
USAPPL1A.ZIP 9,803 02-08-94 USAToday v1.0a Compiled on 2-8-93 PCBoard15.1 [PPE] USATODAY Decisionline onlineviewing PPL. A VERY beta release of a greatalternative to costly USAToday displayprograms for PCBoard. Pre-release for sysops
on Planet Connect but can be used by anysysop receiving the USATODAY decisionlineservice. Watch for future updates! Already aminor change and fix.
USAV98.ZIP 10,276 12-03-94 USAV98.PPE PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is anonline viewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrote thisPPE out of frustration after trying toinstall the USADOOR carried on PLANETCONNECT. Very beta looking for a few sysops
to use and input changes for final compile.Northern Lites BBS (218)843-3345
USER'2.ZIP 2,990 07-20-94 GREAT USER STATS .PPE (07/20/94) Add a Touchof Class to PCboard! User Stats! MadManTrapper
USER2AS6.ZIP 26,596 11-11-94 User2Asc v0.95 - Creates a Comma DelimitedASCII file from USERS & USERS.INF files.Includes data from Alias, Address, Verify &Password PSA's if installed. Fixed lengthlines make easy sorting using QSORT program.
New /R:Start,End range option, /D:x dateseparator char. Added stripping of NULSIncludes QB Source. FREEWARE by Gary Meeker
USERBLOT.ZIP 11,443 04-14-94 USERLISTER 2.0 FOR PCB 15.1+
USERREF.ZIP 4,120 02-01-95 <User Reference v1.0> Let you users know thata new user has applied to your system. Userscan vouch for the new user simply by replyingto the message. By: Col. Kurtz
USERV1_3.ZIP 5,051 03-02-94 [ User [PPE] V.1.3 ]- USER [PPE] is areplacement of the users command in PCBoard.You can configure it to also display thefirst time they logged into your system, thelast time they logged into the system, or the
number of uploads and downloads my thecaller. The colors are also configurable.
USRNET10.ZIP 4,842 06-28-94 USRNET.ppe v1.00 - a little ppe designed toallow the sysop to change the data in theusernet file. Clear the caller info ion ahung up node. Place ficticious callers in theusernet.xxx file for nodes that are not even
online. Free PPE from DMSOFT
USRPRF19.ZIP 74,270 06-25-94 User Profiler (the MatchMaker PPE) Ver 1.9Now attach Picture files to Bio's! A userBio, MatchMaking PPE that is lightining Fast,very flexible, zero sysop maintenance. Fullydefinable sysop question set. (sample
question set included) NEW STUD.PPE INCLUDED!FREE NEW ADULT QUESTIONS PACK New UserEditing Included! New User Mail added! NewAlphabitizing Database added. Users love thisPPE, give it a try today. GO/4 SoftwareRelease.
USV028P.ZIP 3,954 05-14-94 Scroller <Ver 0.82> For PCB 15.1 Replace ThatOld Boring PRESS ANY KEY With This *NEW*Scroller,Spinner,And Fadder!!! (3 In 1)+Amazing Colors
UTCAN13.ZIP 13,464 01-06-95 @X00 @X8CNew and Improved!@X0E========================= @X0AUTCAN13 - UUCPTrashcan@X0E =========================@X0Fadds blocking and tagging ability to pcboardsUUCP software. Also does taglines. New
version handles newsgroups and is Compatablewith PCB 15.1> 15.21. Good logging sure toplease, freeware!!! @XFF
UUPCB127.ZIP 672,930 04-21-94 UUPCB Version 1.27 - Shareware ReleaseComplete Package. uuPCB is the oldest,continuously supported Usenet gateway for PCBoard. Try before you buy! This version isfully functional, but limited to 4
conferences plus email.
UZI-SYCO.ZIP 2,914 05-08-94 SyCo-PPL v1.0B Cool Comment Door for PCBoard
VAULTGER.ZIP 9,645 02-13-94 VAULT.PPE PCBoard 15.1 Time & Byte BankGERMAN EDITION! The BEST time and Byte bankhas been rewritten in GERMAN. This archivecontains both the english and germaneditions. Contact author for translation to
YOUR language. Easy to install. Requires theuse of USER NOTES PSA. PCBoard SYSOPS GETTHIS!
VAULTPPE.ZIP 6,036 01-30-94 VAULT.PPE PCBoard 15.1 Time & Byte Bank Userscan save their unused time and bytes forlater use. They can exchange time for bytesand bytes for time as well as gamble bothtime and bytes. SYSOP configurable and simple
to install. Requires the use of USER NOTESPSA. PCBoard SYSOPS GET THIS!
VAULTUNR.ZIP 5,767 03-07-94 @X5E@X07 @X5EVAULT.PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1@X07@X5E@X07 @X5EA Beautifully Designed TIME@X07@X5Eand BYTE Bank. Unique ANSI,@X07@X5EOnline Help, Exchange and@X07 @X5EGambleOptions. FULL Time &@X07 @X5EByte Info Center
For Your@X07 @X5ECallers. A Sinch toInstall@X07 @X5E@X07
VBBS-PCB.ZIP 101,400 10-27-94 VBBS to PCBoard Conversion tools by J.AzarThese conversion utilities convert the VBBSuser database (including Alias, FullAddresses, and birthdays) to PCBoard format.Also included is the best file area converter
available. VBBS file areas are converted(including extended descriptions) to PCBoardformat.
VEN-VIEW.ZIP 2,468 12-26-94 (V) Command Replacement for PCB 15.1+
VERIF221.ZIP 52,740 08-13-94 VERIFY 2.21 [PPE] Verify is a callbackverification PPE for PCboard 15.1+. Localmode execution so you can get a feel for theway it works and looks. Easy to useconfiguration program. Will read the users
file and gather existing phone numbers to beused in the in the Trash File. Compilied08-13-94
VIG-AC10.ZIP 7,180 07-21-94 Application Center v1.0 for PCBoard Havepeople fill out applications for thing elseyou can think of using this 100% configurableLight-Bar PPE.
VIG-LT10.ZIP 42,739 08-30-94 LogTame v1.0 for PCBoard 15.x Utility to keepthe size of your CALLERx logs under control!Slap this into an event and specify how manydays worth of logging you want to keep.
VIG-PC10.ZIP 66,906 07-21-94 ProVote Colors - InfoForms for ProVote Hereare the stock ProVote InfoForms done up in 7different color schemes. Use the one thatmatches your BBS!
VIG-PM10.ZIP 14,408 05-02-94 ProMatrix v1.0 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 Theultimate Light Bar Matrix, extremelyconfigurable, reliable, backdoor-free,bug-free, maintenance free, and featurepacked. Free reg. Check it! Coded by:Vigilante
VIG-PR10.ZIP 13,377 05-02-94 Prompts v1.0 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 Replaces*52* prompts in PCBTEXT, giving you fullscreen: logon procedure, apply procedure,F6-key online user edit pro- cedure, and(7),(C) sysop command user edit procedure.
Free reg. Check it! Coded by: Vigilante
VIG-PV12.ZIP 122,025 07-26-94 ProVote v1.2 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 NEW UPDATEto the most popular New User Voting PPE! Afew bugs quellished, and a few featuresadded. Free Reg!
VIG-SL20.ZIP 47,354 07-21-94 SuperLogon & SuperLogoff v2.0 PCBoard v15.1PPE that does it all in classic "Forum"style. New features, incredibleconfigurability, free reg.
VIG-WP10.ZIP 5,027 07-21-94 Wacko Prompt v1.0 for PCBoard v15.1 Finally,the much-requested SLAM ENTER prompt seen onmy BBS. This is the most unique animatedpause prompt to date.
VLOG10.ZIP 11,306 10-31-94 VLOG Version 1.0. A simple PCboard Callerslog. Gives Name, Locations, and minute. for aeasy reading. FREE from SOLITUDE 1:3639/65.FREQ list for SOLITUDE included in archive.
VOTE291.ZIP 34,617 06-01-94 Voter++ v2.91 - User Voting [PPE] *NewUnlimited Voting Booths* A full featuredVoting door for your PCB 15.1 (or better)system. Complete sysop control on allquestions and answers. Unlimited Voting
Booths! Great Graphics! Two minute setup, nomaintenance! View results in Chart or Textformat! Survival Tech Software *Downloadtoday!*
VO_PPE10.ZIP 25,180 03-03-94 VooDoo : PCB 15.1 PPE to put a voodoo curseon those $#% lamers... [03.03.94]
VPBLT130.ZIP 36,883 02-23-94 VPlusBLT 1.30 - Bulletin Generator For UseWith The Voter Plus Door Versions 1.93 AndLATER ONLY. Generates PCB, ACSII, ANSI And*AWESOME* RIP Style Bulletins Of The VotingResults. Just A Hint Of Things To Come From
The Original VOTER PLUS Voting Door... ++ NewCalling Syntax - See VPLUSBLT.HST ++ !!FREEWARE From The Author Of Voter Plus !!
VPEDT121.ZIP 63,476 03-01-94 VPlusEdt Ver. 1.21 - Stand-Alone Editor For.VTR and .USR Files. Compatible With VoterPlus Versions 1.93+. FreeWare!
VPI-DISC.ZIP 5,116 06-05-94 Disclaimer Viewer and System Password for PCB
VPI-FLAG.ZIP 3,940 06-05-94 Elite File Flag Utiltag FiLe W/ Spacebar
VSCANDIR.ZIP 3,163 07-26-94 [ ScanDirectories By: Vsonary ] PCBOARD 15.1PPE That improves majorly the searching ofthe different file dirs. Fast & Looks GREAT!Check it out now!!!
VSCHO7.ZIP 3,142 12-10-94 VSCHO7.PPE file will add a display of yourchoice to your (QWK) command. Easy toinstall. You just have to edit display filewith PCBEDIT.
VSL_PHUN.ZIP 10,981 05-08-94 Very Strange Lines 1.OO [PPE] A STRANGEONELINER!
VSTAT10.ZIP 3,387 01-26-95 VSTAT10.PPE - Another 'V' replacement forPCBoard 15.2+. Used for user to view theirpersonnal statistics. Freeware - Off The WallSoftware.
VSW_WZ10.ZIP 3,391 03-14-94 [PPE] WHOZON V1.0 DARK INVENTOR The UltimateWHOZON PPE Automatic Protocol Detection FullOperation Detection Three Seperated InfoFields
VT-RAT1.ZIP 6,426 07-26-94 A Day at the Rat Races written by THoMaS DeQuiNCy. This is a PPE for PCB 15.1. It is agambling game different from all the others.It's fun to play and win money.
VTLT01B.ZIP 3,842 06-16-94 ViRTUAL TEAM PRESENT . LAST TRANSFERS PPEv0.1 . - . Custom Header, Footer, Colours .Display CPS, Errors, Time, Date NoUNREGISTERED rubbish Coded by Mad Wizard
VTSTATUS.ZIP 9,129 01-25-95 NODE STATUS 1.0 by SoRaTHiS This Small PPEshows what Nodes areactive/closed/DLing/Uping/etc, the connectspeed, but does NOT display the Users Handlesor Affils GREAT for those Sysops that have
Mulitple Nodes and run private boards. ForPCB 15.2 + ONLY Shows to the Users who arejust loggin on how active the board is!Without showing its users !
VTUL01BS.ZIP 3,768 06-16-94 ViRTUAL TEAM PRESENT . USER LiSTER 0.1 [PPE]. - No UNREGISTERED rubbish Coded by MadWizard + SOURCE FILE +
VTXUE01B.ZIP 3,008 06-14-94 ViRTUAL TEAM PRESENT . X-USER EDITOR 0.1 . -. Configurable AmiExpress Style . User ConfigEditor for PcBoard No UNREGISTERED rubbishCoded by Mad Wizard
VULGID21.ZIP 7,294 04-13-94 Vulgar name/city language blocker - Utility(PPE) for PCBoard 15 to prevent users fromusing undesirable words or phrases in username and city entries. Performed duringnewuser logon. Makes CALLER log entries to
let SysOp know of bad user. Hangs-up on userwhen SysOp defined words or phrases aredetected. Goes beyond the TCAN check. PutsCallerID info to CALLBLOC.PPE for lockout. ByAl Segura ver. 2.1 FREE!! No Reg.!
V_INS100.ZIP 8,566 11-09-94 [ Install-PPE v1.00 ] PPE DEVELOPERS DOWNLOADTHIS NOW! This install utility used in allVinyl PPE's is now freeware for developers!Automatically installs PPEs into PCBTEXT orCMD.LST! Tired of writing install- ation
procedures or batch files?? then this is 4you! Your users (sysops) will benefit too!Extremely simple to use, and greatlyencouraged! Coded by Vinyl
V_NFS240.ZIP 8,542 09-19-94 NFSCAN [PPE] v2.40 FOR PCB 15.1+! "N"ew filescan replacement with several enhancements tothe old PCB style setup!
V_SSC100.ZIP 19,915 11-09-94 [ Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 ] Over 6 monthsin development! Emulates *ANY* other chatprogram, Sysop & USER custom colors, nextgeneration install (no input required!) andbest of all... Totally FREEWARE! o Horizontal
& VERTICAL chat! o Adjustable scroll-backbuffer o Window clearing/Chat logging o andmuch more... Coded by Vinyl
WAITV30.ZIP 13,668 01-06-95 edragonoftware WAIT.PPE v3.0 - Release01/06/95 This is the ORIGINAL WAIT.PPE!!Looking to add some color and style to yourBBS? Then you need to download this PPE! Thisseam- less PCBoard Utility is just what
you're looking for. Replaces the WAIT prompt.Super Configurable! Now language aware! Somebugs that were found are now fixed. And withthe registration only 1.00 US Dollar youcan't go wrong
WARNING1.ZIP 2,295 02-11-94 Warning.PPE is a simple little PCBoard PPEwarning screen to display to the on online"twitts" that are guilty of being a generalnuisance. Compiled with 2.0 compiler forPCBoard v15.1 or later. Now works properly in
full screen RIP graphics mode.
WC110.ZIP 12,262 12-31-94 [ The Weather Center PPE - v1.10 ] TheWeather Center PPE allows users to downloadthe weather maps and viewer provided byPlanet Connect Satellite delivery system. Itprovides a nice menu, and allows users to
download any, or all of the weather map filesdelivered by PC. This version is a minor bugfix, and enhancement release. KrystalWareSystems
WCPCB103.ZIP 23,888 01-18-94 A utility to convert Wildcat! 3.5/3.9 userand message files to PCBoard 15.0 format.Version 1.03. Freeware. Copyright (C) 1994,Clark Development Company.
WEATHER1.ZIP 36,254 02-20-94 (*) WXMAN and Weather.PPE must be in seperatedirectories. On my systme, I have a directorycalled WXMAN, and then my normal PPEdirectory.
WEEKLOGS.ZIP 12,964 02-05-95 WEEKLOGS v1.5 - for PCBv15.x SINGLE NODESysops. Logical strategy controls andorganizes your CALLER logs intoweekly/monthly order. Can be run in yourevent. Creates WKx.MON files, then zips these
files to an archive directory you specify.DOES NOT delete files. Requires 2 simplecommand line arguments, PKZIP in the path.Saves -LOTS- of disk space.
WH30.ZIP 10,639 01-25-95 WHoZ'HERE PPe v3.o The COOLEST Pre-Logon Whoyou have ever seen! Lot of features... oMulti-language o Multiple headers (up to 99)o Display User Name, City, Speed andUser/Node Status! o Possibility to ask user
for ANSi o FASTER THAN PRECEDENT VERSIONS!Read DOX for more nfos... o Lot more!
WHATV014.ZIP 74,470 03-25-94 WHAT [PPE2] V0.14 - PCB 15.1+ TB WHAT showsincoming uploads -SUPPORT TB_Q_PPE format...(info in) -WHAT shows the filenames -WHATshows Starttime -WHAT shows size of files (ifavailable) -WHAT shows CPS (if available)
-WHAT shows private dirs to user -WHAT usecommandline option to speed up display wishesof user(s) -DOS/NETWARE/DV aware -DOORversion for PCBOARD 14.5/PRODOOR SYSOPSincluded (ULIST V1.30 + FOSSIL)
WHOC71.ZIP 608,828 05-13-94 WhoCalled V7.1 (PCBoard) LastCall/WhoCalled B& External DataBase! Let Your Users Use THEIRIncluded! (A Complete & External DataBase Of& Processes TeleFlora-PC-B Users On The Fly!
A Bulletin To Show LogOn Msgs Files (U/D) & MYour Users By Mins/Files/Msgs.
WHOCA112.ZIP 10,297 01-22-95 WHOCALL PPE v1.12 for PCBoard 15.2xWHOCALL.PPE: This program keeps track of thelast callers who have connected to your bbs(up to 1000 users). MSmac Software ##351-61-314336 [28.8]
WHOCAPPS.ZIP 69,634 06-05-94 If You Run WhoCalled Version 7.1 - Read The "In This ZIP Package! Allows The OPTION Of DisTheir Billing Information Or NOT Upon Their LIncluded In This ZIP Is A New WHOCALL.EXE Tha
High(ER) Speed Callers For Posting In Your St(19.2K, 21.6K, 24K, 26.4K, And The AWESOME 28
WHOV036.ZIP 14,261 03-18-94 WHO [PPE2] V0.36 - PCB 15.1+ TB - NEW:Support TB_Q_PPE format (info in!) -SelfUpdateMode monitor (kbd check OFF!) -NEW: during SUM - scroll up to 250 chars (YOUenter!) through the bottom screen! - NEW:
display names/infos of PPE's being used onother nodes! - full functioning - no crippleware! - up to 99 lines - design YOUR ownheader (max 4 lines) - design YOUR own tail(max 4 lines) - chose YOUR colours - design
YOUR own system messages - hide user frombeing displayed - display IDLE time of nodes- display info (YOU chose!) for waiting lines- DOS/NETWARE/DV aware
WIPEV073.ZIP 55,669 03-21-94 WIPE [PPE2] V0.73 - PCB 15.1+ TB -FAKER PPE(PPLC V2.0) for PCBOARD V15.1+ - Delete/MoveFake Files - Create DUMMY files to preventdouble U/L - Adjust Bytes for all USER(S)downloaded a faked file! - Adjust Bytes for
filelist - Easy-to-use DUMMY-file(s) creatoreditor - Fully configurable for each user. -Fast: access all matchdata in a 1 MB file-list on a 386sx25/NOVELL System in 4 secs. -Describe missing descriptions - adjust bytes
for describeing - move Files betweenconferences - SUPPORT TB_Q_PPE format...(info in) - and much more..... -DOS/NETWARE/DV aware
WLCM20.ZIP 9,576 02-08-94 THE WELCOME PROGRAM VERSION 2.0 [PPE] Thisprogram will allow you to configure multipleWELCOME screens, and shall be shown randomlyby a number configured by the Sysop in theCNF file. This program is now in its second
revision. Now adds support for NOANSI, ANSI,and RIP files! Suprise your users! Show themAntiquity MUST HAVE PCB 15.1Beta+
WMAN-11.ZIP 4,058 03-23-94 [PPE] WMAN v1.1 For PCBoard 15.x WMANdisplays @Code weather forcasts created byRobb Ballard's WxMan program. Registration isonly $5 Steve Springett - TurboSof MIDI BBS
WONDIR15.ZIP 12,243 02-22-94 What replaces all your dir files, your dirgfiles, your dirr files, conference specificdir files, does multiple page listings thatyou can move through forward AND backward?Does all this ON-THE-FLY with a single, one
line dir file? WONDIR.PPE that's what! RIPlisting is 100% mouseable and includesreplacement 'prefiler' for seamless hand-offto David Terry's FLAG3x.PPE. compiled w/ PPLCv2.0 - requires PCBoard 15.1
WOW110.ZIP 109,085 01-26-95 * WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.1 * A PPE forPCBoard 15.x that creates a random saying todisplay to your users. Graphics screen is @Xcolor code definable. Reads data files aslarge as 10,000 lines and more. Includes
4,500+ database of sayings. Registeredversion allows your users to enter their ownWords-Of-Wit. * WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.1 *
WP110.ZIP 8,187 03-18-94 WHO Prof. v1.10 03-18-94 Mike Paschen WHOProfessional PPE for PCBoard v15.x thatreplaces and enhances your WHO command. Hasbetter look and configurable prompts. If youpass no parameter it behaves like the normal
WHO but you may also pass a parameter thatindicates after how many seconds it shouldupdate the display. It will then loop untilthe user presses any key. Optional shows thelocation for users that use their alias.
WRITEUNR.ZIP 7,297 03-07-94 @X2E@X07 @X2EWRITE.PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1@X07@X2E@X07 @X2EA beautifully designed PPE@X07@X2Eto replace your W command.@X07 @X2EANSIsupport, cursor key,@X07 @X2Eand menu barsupport. Fully@X07 @X2ESYSOP configurable. A
sinch@X07 @X2Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07@X2E@X07
WTU_NEWC.ZIP 3,625 06-05-94 Newcount PPE v1.0 From WizWare Software PCB15.1 PPE will count the number of files thatare dated at the current date from the DIRfile. You can show your users how manyuploads for the day including local uploads
WXPCB.ZIP 4,858 04-13-94 WXPCB.PPE, Places reports generated byWXMAN{XX} in a simple menu driven format thatyour users will enjoy using. The Registeredversion will allow up to ten (10) differentreports to be placed at your users fingers in
a snap. Registered users will have theability to choose from six (6) different menuscreens, included in the registered packageCompiled under CDC's PPLC V2.00 WXPCB is afully configurable Weather Report Generator.
X-PERT!.ZIP 2,684 02-04-94 X-Pert Toggle - "X" Replacement PPE This*very* simple PPE will simply ask the callerif they're sure they'd like to change theircurrent Expert mode status. It has been madebecause another program that does the same
thing was made - And the author "had" todisplay their "Made by:" seal in it and givethemselved some credit. - Source CodeIncluded -
XDIZ10E.ZIP 50,129 01-30-95 XDIZ v1.0e [the best] Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ &DESC.SDI from ZIP, ARJ and LZH archives,creating/appening descriptions in aPCBoard-oid listfile. Features: Automaticstripping of nonsence, high ASCII codes,
graphics etc. Moving files with descriptionUseable before (tape-)backups No otherBBS-Software needed NEW: CD-ROM support,multi CFGs
XFER13.ZIP 28,143 03-28-94 - FILE TRAFFIC REPORT- This small PCBoardutility will allow the reading of yourDOWNLOAD.LOG and will sum the informationinto a PCB Macro'd Bulletin that can bedisplayed to the user with his file
information. Version 1.3 fixes a moduleerror. Great for mutli-node systems with alot of file traffic. Quick and FAST!
XNAME110.ZIP 6,877 11-12-94 X-name v1.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and abovePrompt replacement for the First and Lastname prompts. Small utility that willcapitalize the first letter of each namewhile it is being entered. FREEWARE
XPCBPTH2.ZIP 10,642 06-10-94 XPCBPATH Version 1.2 (FREEWARE) Works aroundPCBoard's 30 character limit on paths andfilespecs in PCBSetup. Now you can useCD-ROM's that have a very deeply nesteddirectory structure requiring long path specs
up to 80 characters.
XUSERS.ZIP 2,982 05-02-94 XUSERS PPE 1.0 RELEASE Nice Forum Hacklooking USER cmd for PCB 15.x
X_LITE30.ZIP 5,169 08-13-94 X_LITE20.PPE eXpert Cmd Litebar - X commandreplacement - - Written for PCBoard 15.1 - -Features Litebar Menu with - - Cursor keymovement. Configurable - - Display screensand color. - - Sample Screens Included! -
EASY SETUP! Written by Robert Ball
YOMOMA.ZIP 4,019 03-30-94 Yo' Moma is so............... Add this PPE toany Display file and get a smile out of yourusers You know if yo' moma is so...... is avery entertaining PPE. Add this one to your
Script0 File and Your callers will call backto see whats yo moma's upto...:) A CyberRealms PPE Production
YSWHAT10.ZIP 114,906 09-24-94 YOU SAID WHAT! V1.0. We give you the QUOTEand you give us the person(s), movie, TV showor place. Quote Trivia Door with over 500quotes available. DEMO Version, NOT CRIPPLED.Written by..... Those Two Programming Guys!
Brad Watts and Vince Sbordone, (C) 1994
ZEP-32.ZIP 13,879 03-30-94 ZephyrVersion3.2PPE This program is customedmade to display various client rotations, andtheir own sub-rotating advertisements. Thereis no limitation on client folders or their
ads. This version fixes the program handlingfor the BGN and END messages. Version 4.0will have the literature as well as the betasysops online module. *SHAREWARE* Compiledfor PCB15.1/PPLC2.0 Support @ RESY (266/56)
ZLIST-16.ZIP 53,362 04-27-94 ZippyList v1.6 PCBoard [PPE] - Allows a Sysopto provide their users with another (Z)ippyText Search Interface! Regardless of how muchPCBoard knowledge the user has, ZippyList is
perfect for them! ZippyList is *FULLY* Sysopconfigurable and has *total* flexibility! Allsearches may also be captured into acompressed file for the user to download!Full logging, multi-lingual support, and
more! The ORIGINAL (And BEST) custom file lismaker. Made by Whitewater Technologies, Inc.
ZP20-DOM.ZIP 61,765 03-13-94 Zip Processor v2.0 coded by Drake New outfit,few more fixes! [] Remove -AV info from ZIP's[] Check ZIP's for CRC errors [] Add ZIPcomment [] Remove ordinary BBS ads [] Remove
BBS ads with RANDOM name and VARYING size []Multitasker compatible [] User definableworkdrive [] Counts everything done and
ZURS1.ZIP 241,500 05-10-94 ZDCS/ULP REMOTE SHELL v1.0Beta - Automatically create zdcstest.chk and verify.ulp filesthat allow you to pre-test your uploads.Quick and easy to use, will run from insideyour terminal program. req VGA. By: Don
Pellegrino reg $10.00
_DLCONT.ZIP 60,708 11-16-94 PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S DLDCOUNT ver 2.3a FASTERTHEN EVER!!!! NOW Allows you to specify thenumber of header lines to skip! DownloadCounter updates you PCB DIRs with: Downloadedxx Time(s) COLORFUL BULLETIN DISPLAY